Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blackbird singing in the dead of night /8/

“Animals are the best companions of men” this is a very famous phrase, but really, I don´t like animals =( Since I was a baby, I´ve never excited the animals. However, when I was 6 years old, my parents bought me a couple birdies. I had to feed them and change the wáter, It was very boring!

Although I don´t like animals, I hate to see that there are strays, hungry and homeless. I am sad when I see stray dogs, and very skinny, they request aid to you through the glance.

About the species of animals in my country, I must recognize that I am very ignorant about it, I ´ve never been interested in finding out about this. But days ago, I saw in the news of the television, that a pigmeo hippopotamus was born! Pigmeo hippopotamos are endangered species around the world.

See the animals in the zoos, causing me much distress and sadness, especially when big animals are confined in small places. When I see that, I want to release them and so they can live in their habitat.

If I could be an animal, I would be a white puma, I consider that these animals are beautiful and they live in beautiful places. Wonderful as these animals are their eyes, color and the feeling that convey the look.

The hardest thing is could to imagine how it will be the mind of animals, and for example, think what animals would say about humans, if really animals think like humans or not. So I find it a very difficult task to think of a documentary made from the animal mind.

* IT IS MY LAST POST, hugs for all readers, and I hope to be able to approve my English course level 4

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Green Tea!

Mainly, ecologism is a new political ideology based on the position that the non-human world is worthy of moral consideration, and that this should be taken into account in social, economic, and political systems.

In my country, the ecologism isn`t important as in other countries. The people who are interested in ecologism and learn about enviromentally practices, must do it in precise and alternative means, like communal ecological fairs, ecological web-sites and seminaries about ecologism.

Really, I am not a very green person but I try to recycle at my home, separating the sweepings in different waste baskets, saving water and I recycle paper, but I have never sopported any eco organisations, because it doesn`t interest me much.

My favorite mode of transportation is the bicycle. First, It is beneficial to my health, I'm very busy in doing working and lack physical exercise, riding a bicycle provides me with such an opportunity. Second, In my city there are many traffic jams. However, riding a bike is different because you will never be bothered by the rush hour. Third, it makes me throughly enjoy the natural life, and I can take a breathe of fresh air freely, riding in the sunshine under the blue sky and white clound. .Another reason, and the most important is that it helps to protect our environment. It does not produce pollution. This is very important in big cities!

Definitely, Our society and Santiago particularly needs politic policies that foment the care of the environment, and educate people to go slowly build a cleaner, healthier world. We are very far from that.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

.Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

I cant imagine living without listening to music , the importance of music is a greater part of life, and music often reminds us of important people and places in our lives.

The music is so important for my that I listen to a lot of kind of it, and in almost all the types of music, there are very good musicians, very talented people. Well I know It's all subjective but for me , for example Ravi Shankar and George Harrison are are geniuses of music! (there are many incredible musicians!)

In my life I have gone to many concerts, but the two moe importants for me are: the Radiohead`s concert and the Paul Mc`cartney concert. Both were in the national stage of Santiago and in both I felt that I was in the best concert of my life.
If you were a song, I would like be a Beatles`s song. I don`t know what of which they have done because they have a lot of perfect songs.

Considering much that I like music, what I regret the most is not be able to play some musical instrument :(

A culture is expressed through the art, literature, music and geography of a place. The Latin American culture has wonderful music for that reason I would like so much to cross Latin America listening to the different sounds from this beautiful continent.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

“Democracy begins at home”

This articule is about of a Psychotherapist called Sue Gerhardt. She wrote a bestselling book called “Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain”. It focused on the neuroscience of early development; on how babies' brains develop in direct response to the quality of care they receive at the start of their lives. There are multiple readings of this books, there are readers: Many readers were enthusiastic and others weren´t .

One of the most valuable aspect of the books is that she moves from the minutiae of the first year or two of life to the broad sweep of global politics; to climate change, the selfishness of capitalism and the shortcomings of materialistic western societies. And the text says “if Gerhardt is right, the people we become are fundamentally shaped by our earliest experiences, and in particular, the sort of love and attention we receive from our parents/carers.” (for example the George `s cases).

Gerhardt's argument is that by focusing on the sort of care and attention we give to our children, we can create a better society. The way forward, she says, is not a return to traditional family values nor a move towards a more authoritarian, disciplinarian style of parenting. In other part of this articule, she writes. "Personal development and political progress are linked. The mature, unselfish society is based on the same things as the secure family: meeting basic needs, validating each other and working through conflict. Ultimately, our survival will depend on how we treat each other on a global scale."

She is a psychotherapist very interested in global contingency issues especially on issues of American politic and she has contributed since her area of particular expertise as a psychotherapist at the Oxford Parent Infant Project .

Gerhardt's vision may seem a bit vague, but she has concrete demands: the right to flexible work, access to parent-infant psychotherapy and "a parenting wage", available for either or both parents to share over the first two years of their child's life.

In my opinion, this articule really shows that the arguments of this psychotherapist would give to the discipline that I study (psychology) a fundamental roll at social level, as much in my country as in the world.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hello classmates and teacher, today the topic is euthanasia. Well If you ask me, Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide is a highly debated topic and what comes to my mind when I hear the word ‘euthanasia`? I think it is a very complicated topic, because are we able to decide the death of someone? But also, Legalizing euthanasia would help reduce suffering of terminally ill sufferers. It could be inhuman. In case there is people struggling with terminal ailments or perhaps circumstances where effective treatment might not have an effect on their quality lifestyle; they ought to be in the liberty to select induced dying.

Really, I don`t know any famous case of euthanasia, except some cases of films and I am not very religious, so I don`t have any problem with it.

Do governments have the rigtht to keep suffering people alive? Really I believe that only families and living their own experience in this moment, can decide, but the governments are alien people that they aren`t living the experience. this is a very delicate subject and in my opinion the euthanasia will be legal, and the person or the families has the freedom to decide!

Monday, December 26, 2011

E n g l a n d

Here again  how are you today? Well, the topic today is a country I´d like to visit. It´s very difficult for me, because l´d like to visit all places around the world! But if you ask me “ Which country would you like to go to?” I say you: England. WHY? Oh, It should be a elegant country, (jajaja) and meet the the beatles´s country is a great idea for me. Well, Morrisey´s country too! My god! I only know that it is a very cold country but It don´t matter, the real problem that is everything is very-very expensive. If I ´ll go to England, I ´ ll do a lot of things, and I ´ll go to Brit party listen to Joy division all night long. Because really I don’t know if I would like to go to England to Study here. First, I prefer go on vacations!

hugs for you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Cinema

It consists of a presentation of the topic “The Cinema”, really this topic is very interesting for me, because I like so much the cinema. I always watch films at home. In my computer I download films by a siteweb called “Cuevana”, This site has become very popular because is fantastic. Well, I always go tho the cinema too, it´s a great outlet for me, but I never rent films, because I download the films :)

What is the best chilean film I have ever seen? Really, I don´t know, I like somuch the chilean cinema, and I have seen A LOT of films in my life, some of then I can´t remeber their names. But “El pejesapo”, is a incredible film, is very very strange and the kind of this film is something like alternqative cinema. I watched this only one time.

Daniel SS is the main character, and he is a personage really disoriented, that after a suicidal bankrupt it returns to reinitiate his life from the Maipo River to the center of Santiago. In this route, He doesn´t discover any emotion that restricts the decision to finish with its existence.
I recommend you this film totally, if you watch it, perhaps you think it is very strange, but really I like this kind of films. And if thet make a film of my life, I would like this film will have a beautiful photograph, and the kind of this film will be like films with few monetary resources!